

18 posts follow

recipes, porter, Tasting

John Frum - Tasting

One of the unsolved issues I have with recipe design is how to take into account the fermentability of the wort during recipe design. How fermentable the wort is depends on, among other things, mash schedule, yeast choice, and grain bill. Higher mash temperatures will result in more complex sugars…

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recipes, wild beer, Berliner weisse, sour beer

Ich Bin Ein

This is my first attempt at brewing a Berliner Weisse. Usually when I brew a style for the first time, I try to stick quite close to the style description. This is especially true of a style like Berliner Weisse, which has a bit of a reputation for being difficult…

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coding, brew designer, technical

Calculated Bitterness

I've spent the last week or so planning my last two beers of this year. One will be a Berliner Weisse (my first attempt at the style) and the other a New Zealand hopped weizen. One of the features I've been working to add to my Brew Designer application for…

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recipes, IPA, saison, Tasting

Voodoo Child - Tasting

Voodoo Child is the love child of an American IPA and a Saison. I bottled it after three weeks in the primary, having dry-hopped it for 5 days with 120g of hops, equal parts Mosaic, Newport and Amarillo. I primed the bottles with 120g of table sugar for an estimated…

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recipes, porter

John Frum

This beer is the successor to a previous porter (called Cargo Cult) that I brewed a while back. That beer turned out fairly well, but because the mouthfeel was somewhat thinner than I would have wanted, I decided to make a few changes to the recipe before brewing it again…

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